Tuesday, December 29, 2009

World Filmhouse: World Filmhouse: Proposed Kenya Film Incentive Package

World Filmhouse: World Filmhouse: Proposed Kenya Film Incentive Package

Kenya’s “From a Whisper” Wins Big at 2009 African Movie Awards


  1. I think more should be done in order to save this multimillion industry.It is able to employ many youths and raise revenue for the government.Do kenyan TV stations need to buy content from other countries

  2. @chikeo.blogspot.com,

    I am with you in spirit on this one: Kenyan TV stations do not need to buy as much content as they currently do from outside. I believe there is enough content produced-- or that can be produced in the region. Unfortunately for most of these stations, the 'bottom line' dictates what they air. Some of the old foreign material they air costs as little as 300 US dollars an episode. To produce an episode of Tahidi High for example, KSH 300, 000 might be spent. So the episode should have to fetch at least KSH 350, 000 for it to be meaningful to its producers. Nevertheless, I don't see why stations shouldn't pay this figure considering it relevancy and the amount it fetches in advertising. Someone is fooling the other here, and we know who. What we need as filmmakers and Independent TV producers is a union that will set prices right for us. At the same time, the government policy that stipulated that local programming should be allocated at least 60% of the air time should be implemented. Now.


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