Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ethnographic documentary on Matatu (public transport system in Kenya) for sale to libraries

List Editor: Elena Vezzadini  
Editor's Subject: FILM: Ethnographic documentary on Matatu (public transport system in Kenya) for sale to libraries
Author's Subject: Ethnographic documentary on Matatu (public transport system in Kenya) for sale to libraries

Filmmaker George Ngugi King¹ara¹s documentary Gari Letu Manyanga 
(Our Hip Bus, 2007) is now ready for sale to university archives 
or other libraries wishing to stock content relating to urban African 
culture. The film can be used in African Cultural Studies per se or 
other related disciplines.

Short synopsis of film

A film about the MATATU- informal public transport system in Kenya. 
We follow the crew of a hip-hoppy mini-bus called DRAMA as it works 
one of the busiest commuter routes in Nairobi and gets arrested by 
the Buru Buru police over an overdue warrant-of-arrest. The bus is 
detained and the crew sidelined in wait till its elusive owner is 

Shot with no budget by a crew of three, the film is a sort of 
ethnographic exploration of the nature of the Kenyan informal public 
transport system, but also a commentary on the youth culture associated 
with it.

Contact filmmaker through:

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